+7 495 795-04-95
More than just logistics!
More than just logistics!
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Get your personal proposal
Due to the professional and detailed development of logistics scheme, we are able to arrange most efficient and fast delivery of your cargo from any place in the world.
DAS GLOBAL LOGISTIK takes an individual approach to each and every project, considers all specifications of the cargo and transportation terms. We use this information to organise and develop a high-quality project on most efficient, cost effective and safe delivery. The continuous expansion of the spectrum of our services is possible due to work with only reliable partners.
DAS GLOBAL LOGISTIK team of professionals is ready to provide first class services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For more detailed information and to have a professional consultation please call
+ 7 (495) 795 04 95, or feel free to ask your question info@dasglobal.ru.