+7 495 795-04-95
More than just logistics!
More than just logistics!
перевозки New warehouse
Telecommunications equipment
Due to special characteristics of telecommunication equipment, it requires development of unique solutions for delivery, storage and packaging. Efficient organisation of our operations enables us to achieve the highest level of transportation services that account for every single feature of your cargo.
- Complex services on delivery of telecommunication equipment to Russia from any part of the world;
- Equipment supplies to the most distant regions in Russia with proper control over the cargo safety taken for the whole time until delivery to the final consignee;
- Full range of customs clearance services on clearance of telecommunication equipment;
- Regular supplies of the equipment and spare parts using various modes of transport from Europe, USA and South East Asian countries;
- Warehousing operations with the subsequent distribution of cargoes;
- Application of supplementary safety measures to protect the cargo from any mechanical damages and weather conditions;
- Consolidation/deconsolidation of cargo, consignment storage.
Thorough transportation scheme developed by DAS GLOBAL LOGISTIK specialists helps ensure reliable delivery of telecommunication equipment at minimum cost.
For more detailed information and to have a professional consultation, please call
+ 7 (495) 795 04 95, or feel free to ask your question right now info@dasglobal.ru.